Gain insight into your data with courses taught by our experts! Courses are available on-site, through a virtual classroom, or self-paces--choose your preferred method for learning.
Our training programs are 100% HRDF claimable, applicable only to companies in Malaysia. Take advantage of this opportunity to invest in professional development! Get in touch with us to learn more about how to claim your benefits.
Minitab offers public courses in Minitab Statistical Software at many convenient locations throughout the world. Sessions are for beginning through advanced students, and we limit enrollment so our trainers have time to address your individual questions.
Our public courses are also a great place to network with colleagues and share solutions.
Bringing a trainer on-site is the most convenient and cost-effective way to develop the skills your teams need to improve processes. It eliminates travel time and allows the trainer to address your business-specific challenges.
You can add value to your on-site training by scheduling additional time for our trainer to review your data and demonstrate how coursework applies to your projects.
You can master statistics and refresh your knowledge anytime with Minitab Education Hub, our online statistics course.
Minitab Education Hub uses vivid animation to make complex concepts easy to understand. Hands-on exercises walk you through applying statistics with Minitab Statistical Software, so you can put your knowledge to use immediately.
We can help you meet any statistical challenge.
Consulting is available on-site, or by phone, email, or web conferencing.